We carried out our Basic Addiction Education project for university students at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University Continuing Education Conference Hall between 7-8-9 February. During the training, which we carried out for 3 days with 3 different instructors, we held a level measurement exam at the end of the training.
On the first day of the education, We started by discussing the basic concepts of addiction, its causes of development, symptoms, current addictive substances and their effects with Dr. Hakan Karaman.
On the second day of the education, we continued with Psychologist Emre Saka by discussing the history of addiction treatment, treatment models in the world, basic principles and the addiction treatment process in Turkey.
On the last day of our education, We conducted a sample group study with Lecturer. See. Odise Vuçinas, discussing types of behavioral addiction, interview techniques used in addiction, and group therapy practices.
At the end of the day, he informed our association president Yunus Çetinkol and our vice president Erhan Yorulmaz about the steps that can be taken in the fight against addiction and the project calls that support them.
We would like to thank our participants for their intense interest and efforts.