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We Successfully Conducted Our Basic Addiction Education for University Students!
We Successfully Conducted Our Basic Addiction Education for University Students!
Our Basic Addiction Education project for university students was completed with the participation of our instructors and students!
Basic Addiction Education Project Closing Launch Was Held
Basic Addiction Education Project Closing Launch Was Held
We held the closing launch of our project titled “Basic Addiction Training for Civil Society Organizations” supported by the General Directorate of Civil Society Relations of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey.
Seminar on Creating Civil Society Awareness in the Fight Against Addiction was Held!
Seminar on Creating Civil Society Awareness in the Fight Against Addiction was Held!
Within the scope of 'Basic Addiction Education for NGOs', we successfully held our seminar on 'Creating Civil Society Awareness in the Fight Against Addiction'
We Held Our Seminar on (Not) Being Addicted!
We Held Our Seminar on (Not) Being Addicted!
Our Seminar on (Not) Being Addicted was held within the scope of our Basic Addiction Training Project for NGO's.
We Held an Awareness Seminar Against Addictions for Families
We Held an Awareness Seminar Against Addictions for Families
We held the Addiction Awareness Training Seminar for Families with the participation of 60 people!
We have completed our Project Writing and Evaluation Training on Addictions for NGO's
We have completed our Project Writing and Evaluation Training on Addictions for NGO's
We have completed our Project Writing and Evaluation Training within the scope of Basic Addiction Training for NGOs!
Our President Made Statements About Addictions in TVNET Channel
Our President Made Statements About Addictions in TVNET Channel
Our President Made Statements About Addictions on TVNET Channel!
We Held Our Conference for Students Titled "How to Stay Vigilant Against Addiction"
We Held Our Conference for Students Titled "How to Stay Vigilant Against Addiction"
We held our conference for high school students titled "How to Stay Vigilant Against Addiction!"
President was a Guest on the Earth Notes Programme
President was a Guest on the Earth Notes Programme
Our President Yunus Çetinkol was a guest on the "Earth Notes" Program on Akit TV and gave information about addiction and our association work.
We Marched Against the Increasing Violence and Israel Oppression in Our Country!
We Marched Against the Increasing Violence and Israel Oppression in Our Country!
Led by the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, a march was held with the participation of thousands of people against the attacks of the occupying Israel and the violence in our country!
Our Project Has Been Accepted!
Our Project Has Been Accepted!
Our Erasmus-KA153 "International Basic Addiction Education" Project Has Been Accepted!
Our 2nd Session of Basic Addiction Training is Beginning!
Our 2nd Session of Basic Addiction Training is Beginning!
Our 2nd Session of Basic Addiction Training for Civil Society Organizations is Beginning!