What we do

Awareness Studies

Comprehensive Approach to Combating Addiction

As the Humanitarian Life Association, our efforts in the fight against addiction encompass a comprehensive approach that addresses all segments of society. Through these initiatives, we aim to raise awareness among individuals, support families, and keep young people away from addiction.

Awareness Programs for Families

Recognizing the vital role families play in protecting their children from addiction, we have developed numerous guidance and education programs tailored for them:

Family Guide

Our family guide provides essential information on:

  • Recognizing the early signs of addiction,
  • Effective communication methods within the family, and
  • Steps to take in cases of addiction.

This guide has been distributed free of charge and continues to be shared during our seminars to reach more families.

Family Education Seminars

Believing in the critical importance of families in combating addiction, we organize seminars aimed at empowering and supporting the fundamental building blocks of society—families. These seminars provide families with comprehensive knowledge on:

  • Establishing healthy communication with their children, and
  • Creating a protective environment against addiction.

By equipping families with these tools, we strive to foster a stronger, more informed foundation for preventing addiction within communities.



The Role of Family in Combating Addiction
This topic focuses on how family members can act as proactive advocates in preventing addiction. It emphasizes the importance of parental attitudes, supportive approaches, and ensuring access to accurate information about addiction in protecting children from substance abuse.

Effective Communication Strategies
The seminars provide concrete examples of how to establish healthy and open communication with children and adolescents. Parents are taught empathy-building techniques to better understand their children’s emotions and thoughts, while also highlighting the significance of setting boundaries and establishing rules.

Conveying Accurate Information About Addiction
Families are guided on how to provide reliable and age-appropriate information about addiction to their children. The importance of using an informative and motivational tone, rather than a fear-based approach, in explaining the risks of addiction is underscored.

Early Intervention and Warning Signs
Families are informed about the early signs of addiction and the key indicators to watch for. Guidance is provided on the steps to take if they encounter such situations, equipping them with practical intervention strategies.

Interactive and Supportive Environment

These seminars go beyond theoretical knowledge by creating an interactive space where parents can share their experiences and receive one-on-one support from experts. Real-life case analyses are presented to offer concrete examples, demonstrating how effective strategies can be applied in combating addiction.

At the end of each seminar, families are provided with guides, brochures, and visual materials to reinforce the information shared during the sessions, ensuring lasting impact. These efforts empower families with the knowledge and skills needed to protect their children from addiction, fostering a more informed and united community in the fight against substance abuse.

Psychological Support Sessions
Specialized psychologists offer one-on-one counseling services to families, guiding them on how to cope with individuals struggling with addiction and providing effective ways to support them.


Awareness Activities for Students

We develop special programs to raise awareness among young people about combating addiction and adopting healthy lifestyle habits:

Educational Programs in Schools
Interactive presentations are conducted in schools addressing the harms of smoking, alcohol, drug use, and digital addiction.

During these sessions, students are taught about the consequences of addiction, the importance of "saying no," and strategies to avoid addictive behaviors.


Animations, Promotions, and Brochures

With our 2D animation clips, such as "What is Addiction?", we strive to convey our message about combating addiction to a broader audience in the simplest and most comprehensible way.

Through live broadcasts, promotional materials, short films, and other visuals, we remain steadfast in our commitment to raise awareness about addiction across all platforms.

Posters have been created featuring fundamental information about addiction, early warning signs, and prevention methods. These posters have been displayed in schools, youth centers, and areas with high public traffic.

Brochures have provided individuals with practical and accessible information about addiction.

To foster awareness in the fight against addiction, we have organized large-scale events involving broad community participation.


Social Media Campaigns

We create awareness-raising and educational content on addiction by preparing informative visuals for social media.
These campaigns are supported by videos and visuals that are particularly appealing to young audiences.

Through these efforts, we aim to:

  • Increase individuals' knowledge about addiction,
  • Equip families with the necessary tools to protect their children from addiction, and
  • Encourage young people to adopt a conscious stance against addictions.

As the Humanitarian Life Association, we remain steadfast in our mission to build a society free from addiction.