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We Marched Against the Increasing Violence and Israel Oppression in Our Country!
Led by the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, a march was held with the participation of thousands of people against the attacks of the occupying Israel and the violence in our country!

Led by the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, thousands of people marched from Beyazıt to the front of the Hagia Sophia Mosque, with the slogans ‘Free Palestine from the River to the Sea’ and ‘Take Care of Your Neighborhood, Your Street and Your Family’ against the attacks of the occupying Israel and the violence in our country. The Quran was read at the end of the march.

We made our rightful cries heard to millions during our march, where our President also gave a speech!

Our President’s Speech at the End of the March;


"In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in the problems related to substance, alcohol and technology addictions in our country. Incidents related to drug use in particular have become more visible day by day and have caused concern in every segment of society. According to the 2024 data of the Ministry of Justice, 33.7% of the convicts in penal institutions have been sentenced for drug-related crimes. In other words, one in every three crimes committed in our country is committed due to drugs. The total public expenditures related to the fight against drugs in the last 5 years is around ₺17 BILLION. (Narcotics 2024 Turkey Drug Report)
This statistic clearly shows how urgent the need is to fight against drugs.
Countries and nations are not only attacked with tanks, planes and bombs, but sometimes evil forces use drugs and addictions as the most effective weapons to corrupt the youth and the generation and break the resistance. Look, we have been witnessing the massacres of Israel in Gaza for the last year. We can clearly say that the Israeli intelligence, which is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization, plays a very active role in the world drug trade market. As can be understood from here, fighting addictions and protecting generations from corruption is obligatory for every Muslim.

We can encounter all addictions and criminal elements in our homes and even in our pockets, in every area where there is internet, within technology. While minds are dulled with productions that are against our national and spiritual beliefs on digital film and series platforms, the future of generations is being played with with access to drugs and crimes in many social media applications. Even if our children are in their own rooms at home, they can access all prostitution in a virtual environment and reflect their actions in their real lives. It is also obvious how gangs, organizations and perverted ideologies have recently become rampant on these platforms.
We see that addictions are unfortunately behind almost every crime, from divorces to murders, from harassment to brutality.
The problem of addiction is the future problem of our country and our nation. When it comes to the future, I would like to say that all of society, from public institutions to civil society organizations, from teachers to mosque imams, from shopkeepers to neighborhood headmen, in short, can take responsibility and face it head on.
First, we will know the enemy. We will become conscious, raise awareness, prevent, treat, support, control and spread goodness. In times when evil has increased so much, we can only ensure peace by increasing goodness.
I would like to thank you all again and hope that you will take active roles in the fight against addictions."

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